Fotogalleri for Gedser Fuglestation

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Hjem > Sortand (Common Scoter)

Hun og hanner. Sortand med gråand (Common Scoter, Melanitta nigra and Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos)

A selection of a few of the common species of birds at Gedser - for our wonderful Australian ringers.
It is, though, not so common to see the scooters close to the shores, as here, at Gedser. But there are good numbers on migration (almost at any time of the year) - but then they are often at a distance where a telescope is needed to identify them.
Here the hormones are at full play. A single female (at the red arrow) was heavily guarded by nine agile males all doing their best to show how beautiful, and strong they were.
Gedser Odde 01/04 2012
Copyright © Louis A. Hansen

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