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Hjem > Stær (Common Starling)

Hun 1K. Stær (Sturnus vulgaris, Common Starling)

The ringer Jesper Brinkmann have send this fine photo of a 1CY starling and tells us that previous the species was rather rare in the mist nets at Gedser. The numbers have increased the last few years - so 2011 was a record year for the species with almost 100 captured.
In addition, we know from the the last couple or more years of observational data that the numbers observed have increased as well.
Gedser Fuglestation 03/08 2011
Copyright © Jesper Brinkmann

Gull_herring_flock-call_03-03-2009.mp3 IMG_2309_maaneplet1.jpg 2011-08-01_P_daplidice_013b.jpg staer-018_edt_LAH.jpg IMGE0527_gammaU_above.jpg 2011-05-12_rosenmaaler1_013.jpg 185H1965_Black_kite_ad_blackchin-throat.jpg
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