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Hjem > Sølvmåge (Herring Gull)

Jagten! The Chase!

Chasing each other and between species is a common phenomenon when watching migration.
It can be gulls chasing Gold Crests and Wrens in the weak light of the morning, Sandwich Terns harassed for food by skuas or among gulls themselves. Always with the same purpose – food. Gold Crests and Wrens are swallowed whole by the gulls. Regurgitating is often the case when skuas chase terns. Between gulls it is the fresh fish or crab, that is dangling from the bill of one gull, that attract another, and often larger sized gull, to chase it until it drops its prey. The food fight btw the gulls can go on for minutes at a time. One wonder if this is really energy efficient way of getting a snack.
Gedser Odde 2024-10-05.
Copyright © Lara Winsloe (with Mads Elley's camera)

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