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2k. Flodsanger (River Warbler, Locustella fluviatilis)90 views
1K. Lærkefalk (Eurasian Hobby, Falco subbuteo)136 views
1K. Lærkefalk (Eurasian Hobby, Falco subbuteo)113 views
Hun og han. Skægmejse (Bearded Reedling, Panurus biarmicus)141 views
Hun og han. Skægmejse (Bearded Reedling, Panurus biarmicus)108 views
1K. Skovhornugle (Long-eared Owl, Asio otus)142 views
1k. Skovhornugle (Long-eared Owl, Asio otus)127 views
Muldvarp (Common Mole, Talpa europaea)124 views
1K. Tornirisk (Common Linnet, Carduelis cannabina) 180 views
Ad. Ringdue (Common Wood-Pigeon, Columba palumbus)1815 views
Helt tæt på med en fotofælde135 views
Almindelig snepryd (Forbes' Glory-of-the-snow, Chionodoxa forbesii)134 views
Storplettet Perlemorsommerfugl (Issoria lathonia, Queen of Spain Fritillary)151 views
Storplettet Perlemorsommerfugl (Queen of Spain Fritillary, Issoria lathonia)165 views
Sort Glente (Black Kite, Milvus migrans)184 views
Sort Glente (Black Kite, Milvus migrans)123 views
Sort Glente (Black Kite, Milvus migrans)139 views